An upgraded station facility floor solves many problems and also saves money over time. Maintained facility flooring provides an environment that is safe, sanitized and professional and holds its value for a significantly longer time than untreated flooring.
Benefits of Maintained Flooring
- Best return on your overall investment
- Improves safety and compliance
- Maximizes productivity
- Looks professional
- Easy to clean
- Reduces likelihood of cracking, chipping or staining
- Repairs current flaws and seals for longevity
Why MJP Energy Services?
✓Experienced and trained crews
✓Meticulous attention to detail
✓Proper, high-end equipment
✓Ability to identify best coating solutions
✓Ability to repair incorrect flooring
✓Provide quality control reporting (daily/weekly/monthly)
✓Strict processes to ensure proper coating adhesion
✓53+ years in coating industry
✓Excellent communication
✓Reliable and trustworthy reputation
✓Excellent safety and production record
Project Services
✓Grinding and floor preparation
✓Caulking and sealing
✓Application of moisture barrier
✓Repair pitting and cracking
✓Line striping
✓Direction markings