Station Facility Flooring

An upgraded station facility floor solves many problems and also saves money over time. Maintained facility flooring provides an environment that is safe, sanitized and professional and holds its value for a significantly longer time than untreated flooring.

Benefits of Maintained Flooring

  • Best return on your overall investment
  • Improves safety and compliance
  • Maximizes productivity
  • Looks professional
  • Easy to clean
  • Reduces likelihood of cracking, chipping or staining
  • Repairs current flaws and seals for longevity

Why MJP Energy Services?

Experienced and trained crews

Meticulous attention to detail

Proper, high-end equipment

Ability to identify best coating solutions

Ability to repair incorrect flooring

Provide quality control reporting (daily/weekly/monthly)

Strict processes to ensure proper coating adhesion

53+ years in coating industry

Excellent communication

Reliable and trustworthy reputation

Excellent safety and production record

Project Services

Grinding and floor preparation

Caulking and sealing

Application of moisture barrier

Repair pitting and cracking

Line striping

Direction markings